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Storage of Thermal REactor Safety Analysis data
Use of Stresa


Only registered users may access and make use of the features available in this new version of STRESA. If you are already registered, just login using your ECAS credentials and start using the information system.

If you are not registered yet, or you are having troubles with the login, please contact the administrator.

The STRESA platform is composed of:

  • a public website containing basic information about the related experimental facilities as well as relevant news, activities and links;
  • a restricted information system containing different features and tools for the registered user, in which the experiments database would be the core functionallity. Every user may be registered into the information system by just contacting the information system administrator.

The idea of this new version of the STRESA tool is to keep the main features of the STRESA old structure but using new software solutions that are nowadays broadly implemented to provide new capabilities available today in most of the modern information systems. The STRESA database was designed with specific requirements that were very clear from the first versions of the tool and that are kept in the new version:

  1. Full accessibility from any place through Internet.
  2. The possibility of downloading data had to be controlled.
  3. The authorization to download specific documents or data is performed by the owner or the agreed responsible of the related experiment, not by an external institution.

The 3rd requirement is a very important feature of the STRESA tool. The issue of making available experimental data to external organizations has been discussed in several forums during years. It is clear that data owners wish to control at any given time the opening of data to third parties.

These features resulted very interesting for many institutions that decided to adopt STRESA nodes or to participate with their own nodes in a common network. The data belonging to some individual nodes (IRSN, CEA) has not been included in this database. The information system presents instead a web link to the individual IRSN/CEA portals where independent user registration is needed.